Gym Buster

Anyone out there ever feel like you need to be skinny before going to the gym? Or feel like, if you start going to the gym at your current weight and non-athletic ability, people are going to watch and judge you? No? Just me? Dang, ok.

Well, full discloser, I am that person who secretly worked out in my bedroom, bathroom and pretty much anywhere behind a closed door because I did not want to admit I was doing anything special. I wanted to be one of those girls who ate whatever they wanted and when asked if I worked out said, The Gym? Me? Please! To be clear, I only ever got to say that once and it was when I was lightly starving myself when people weren’t around and spending every moment behind closed doors doing body workouts.

Being in any way overweight is such a stigma these days, shouldn’t we encourage the less fit when going to the gym or eating healthy? Why do I feel like I can’t go to the gym, just because I am not as fit as those who go nearly everyday and treat their body like a temple (which to be fair it is, but I reallllly like pizza and ice cream)? I am not sure what type of society I should belong to, but this skinny culture is killing me.

Luckily there is a way to lose weight and tone up and it not cost you hours of training and light starvation! Wow, that sounded super gimmicky, even for me. Sorry, not sorry? Not to keep talking up our product, but for real, being able to use The Sculpt Pod 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes a session, rapidly transitions you into feeling/being that girl who says, The Gym? Me? Please! And if there is anyone out there like me who feels like you need to be a bit smaller or more in shape (round is a shape!) then a few sessions a month will get you to the point of comfort and in that gym to be the goddess (or god) you wish to be.

It’s only a little bit of rocket science, I mean we do use red light therapy in our pods and have the highest legal level of nanometers on the market, (other companies wish they could say that!) and give the extra advantage of heat to kick start the process of fat loss and collagen production.

Sculpt Pod